Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Are you stalking me?

  • 12:22 I awarded myself with a tiny pie for walking so long and for so far :) #
  • 13:06 I just realized that I haven't been a show a fucking really long time. That fucking sucks. #
  • 13:25 I'm doing something that's probably not worth watching, but do it anyways:) www.justin.tv/undressjesstv?63 #
  • 15:22 I don' t know how I get so distracted through out my day it's like my brain is on hyper drive. #
  • 16:04 Has any one else noticed how they have been putting the actors from "radio free roscoe" in "degrassi" episodes lately? #
  • 16:19 I just discovered my STUPID dog chewed up one of my fucking USB extenders and he broke my favorite door beads as well:( I want to kill him. #
  • 23:29 Axel Rose wears cornrows? I thought he hates black people? WTF! #
  • 23:38 To abuse, or NOT to abuse my adavans? #
  • 00:27 It has just come to my attention that I have a MAJOR Electra Complex. Like, 2thaMAX! #
  • 00:36 If I were a boy I would have sandy blonde hair be tall and thin and my name would be Chris. Oh and I would have had a bowl cut growing up! #
  • 00:46 Living is one of my favorite parts of life... Right after sex and pizza:) #
  • 01:43 I am now attempting to fix my hair color mistake. No more Lavender hair! Hello Goldy locks! (Dark gold:( rusty blonde, that is) #
  • 02:42 Damnit now my hair is light pumpkin orange:( Oh well it's completely temporary so it's not like it will last for ever. #