Thursday, November 6, 2008

Are you stalking me?

  • 22:39 I am sitting here naked watching the disney channel and stuffing my face with cookies... I just woke up. That's hot! #
  • 22:41 @diamondjames Did you use permanant or semi-perm? #
  • 22:51 I have a crush on this really preppy bartender that has a crush on me. This is really weird for me, just so you know. #
  • 22:59 @penpusher The crush and the preppy mainly. #
  • 23:01 @what_sadie_sang Eh, don't worry. I'm over it most of the time. Sometimes the resentment just pops up and smacks me in the face. #
  • 23:02 @darkradiance Hehe, I'll consider it. #
  • 23:18 This is sooooo weird... #
  • 23:21 Remember the show 15 on Nickelodeon? Or Welcome Freshmen? #
  • 00:15 Even my fat jeans are squeezing at my chubby booty meat cheeks:( #
  • 00:33 I am this swollen from drinking so much lately, or what? #
  • 00:37 I'm dating HER now. Thx. So take your fat juicy hot dick and shove it! (up my ass.) #
  • 02:49 I am sitting here watching dance videos and this one is AMAZING... #
  • 03:07 Thirteen is a super great song: #