Saturday, November 15, 2008

Are you stalking me?

  • 07:24 Anitra is here check us out: We rock! #
  • 14:26 I hate the men of the worl probably. Or something. I just hate myself actually. #
  • 15:12 EW! Skeazy dudes that are 43+ that date my friends and try to fuck me---- YOU SUCK! #
  • 23:57 Yay! I have two new coats on the way! One lighter one and one heavy! Rock! #
  • 01:52 Project DIY eyelash extensions conquered! #
  • 02:00 Why would anyone pay ANYONE $350 to put on eyelash extensions when it's THIS easy. Ok it was challanging but for my first time they look ok! #
  • 02:32 Damnit my cousin is flaking out on braiding my hair tonight damnit. I might try to just get her to take a cab and pay for the damn thing. #