Saturday, March 28, 2009

Are you stalking me?

  • 03:27 What is an image host that allows nudity and site urls on pics? Not flickr or pimpandhost, they are no good. #
  • 04:03 @amberlily I don't have a credit card or pp to sign up:( Any other suggestions? #
  • 20:58 I want something to eat but I dunno what? Cheesy pasta? #
  • 21:15 Cheesy pasta it will be! (Along with an episode of Lost!) #
  • 21:32 Ok Jon was my fave character of last season but Walt is my fave so far of this one! #
  • 01:05 Tonights members show was super fun! I wore a dress upon request and I never wear dresses, dude. #
  • 01:13 I want to catch up on my work but I also want to roam the streets. #
  • 01:38 @dtopper22 Sure just get ahold of me! I'll show you taht necklace when I get it. The reviews said the latch was faulty maybe you can fix it? #
  • 02:38 Honest question: How do you think you will die? #