Friday, June 4, 2010

Are you stalking me?

  • 03:36 I just got sleepy again! What is the deal... Did you slip me a roofie? #
  • 03:46 I'm about to be off to Dark Wave night at Bullock's with Brandi! Come down and chill with us if you wanna! #
  • 07:23 You have something on your mind today and nothing will prevent... More for Aquarius #
  • 18:03 I haven't checked yet but I really really really hope my computer is magically working properly again today. #
  • 19:39 My friend is trying to win the pimp my pile contest, can you help me get votes? regist er and vote for "my boy blu" #
  • 19:58 I'm in the mood for some dirty thought provoking cocaine sniffing disco... Sans the drugs, of course. #
  • 20:06 Up. Side. Down. Boy you turn me! #
  • 20:13 I need some purple shiny pants to wear while I dance around to this all by myself... #
  • 20:34 Alright I'm gonna masturbate and then start getting ready for band practice. #
  • 20:35 We are getting together a little earlier tonight and I wanna do my vocal warm-up and go ove r all of the songs before I leave. #
  • 22:13 I am having an unbelievably bad hair day due to last nights "festivities". #
  • 22:25 I'm off to band practice kids! I'll be back a little later! :) #
  • 01:50 Is there another site like I accidentally just drunkenly blocked my number from there and I can't find my phone. #
  • 01:54 Tonight's web chat is about to start in less than 7 minutes! Come on down! #
My daily tweets can be followed in real time @ :)


Anonymous said...

Hey this is the owner of "My Boy Blu" in the contest at thanks for all the help! Voting ends the 18th!