Saturday, April 4, 2009

Are you stalking me?

  • 03:08 @amandapalmer Um that is truly hilarious. #
  • 03:08 I am getting naked for cash. It is glorious. Pay to see this here: #
  • 03:29 I am going to take a piece of shit router outside and smash it into a million pieces. #
  • 03:59 Last chance for romance homie! I'm getting off of here in like 5mins! #
  • 04:07 @jessiekitty This damn thing won't let me direct message you cause you aren't following me. *Shakes fist at Twitter!* #
  • 04:07 I am done *trying* to be a slut on cam for the night. It was slow as fuck! #
  • 04:50 Is it possible to have two sets of wisdom teeth? #
  • 06:11 I may go out for a night cap in a minute. I need to find those fucking checks I misplaced... #
  • 06:16 @izsy_xox Haha! I was talking about that with someone the other day. How I always end up naked when I am out and drunk. #
  • 06:18 Let's just be honest here, I didn't get around to working out on the eliptical again today. I suck and rule atm. #
  • 06:20 "You can't put your arm around a memory."~Johnny Thunders #
  • 06:21 @izsy_xox Ha, the sad thing is that I have to actually ask the Q: "Which lame Ex?" #
  • 10:54 @BradshawsCloset I swear I see a second pair coming in! Am I crazy? #
  • 10:55 I hope no one saw me get my fucking rib broken earlier... Good night! #
  • 21:59 I will work on getting my spy cams up on my HP laptop later. the cats knocked down my usb hub! #
  • 22:12 @Junkofaerie Ha! I appreciate it:) #
  • 22:12 @LarryJN Haha! Maybe you should start and website? :P #
  • 22:13 But yeah honestly I will work on the cams that are down in a little bit. I am way to worn out to see about it atm! #
  • 01:12 I am not feeling well AT ALL so I am skipping my show tonight because of it. I will do a double makeup show next week. #
  • 01:55 What time does Jaya's close downtown Eville? #
  • 02:07 Cool Steve. Call your mom in front of me and bitch about how much I suck and make me look like the bad guy. You rule at manipulating p ... #
  • 02:19 I used to really enjoy wrtting erotic stories... Is that something you guys might be interested in or contibuting to within my site? #
  • 02:39 @aagblog Hey! Thanks for the suggestion and help! How do I submit it there? #
  • 02:46 :( The girls aren't doing as well here! #
  • 02:53 @Eric_John Thanks babe! I hope I feel better soon too:( #
  • 02:53 @colesytheref Thanks for the get well wishes:) #
  • 02:54 @sexymercedes Thanks babe:( I missed my show tonight cause of it! #
  • 02:54 @izsy_xox No not hungover just hurt emotionally, physically, and mentally. #
  • 03:01 @aagblog Cool I'll hook that up soon:) I also have a somewhat recent review here if that helps: #