Saturday, October 3, 2009

Are you stalking me?

  • 04:43 I'm going to the bar now! I swear I will be up for the damn cable man to hook up my new cable tomorrow... #
  • 08:28 When girls try to kiss me out of desperation I cry because it reminds me of myself once upon a time. #
  • 20:23 I'm looking at the Muncheeze Pizza menu and about to order! What should I get? #
  • 20:48 I just put "Fantasy Bellydance" in the DVD player and I am waiting for my awesome food from @MunCheezePizza :) #
  • 21:18 I need to figure out how to work my damn new printer/scanner later so I can fill out some of those dag-blasted model releases! #
  • 22:31 Hahahahahahaha... My mom just sent me this video on youtube. WTF!? #
  • 23:21 Someone please come over and help me set up this damn printer. I am too ADD to read the damned directions. #
  • 00:35 Just took my 52nd mugshot! #
  • 00:44 Thank you to the mystery man who sent me TWO new hitachi magic wands! Hmmmm, what will I do with the second? #
  • 01:00 Um, why can't I find the fuckin g usb connector for my printer? Did I fucking accidentally throw it away in the box it came in? #
  • 01:51 OMG I got the printer to work! Now I can print my stupid forms and fill them out then try to figure out how to scan them back in! #
  • 02:06 Do they still make those "American Girl" dolls? I always wanted those when I was little! #
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