Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So at first I was just getting some weird emails from him that weren't very kind or soft about my spy cams when they would go down at points. I DO welcome my members to send me emails or instant messages letting me know when it happens because more times than not it's actually the servers fault at the random places that I choose to host them through...

And thus is started...

1. Brett (Last name removed)
to undressjess

cant get to chat and see ur cams why not belong to your site

Jessica Cook
to Brett

Follow up message from me
What are you having problems with? I will try and help as best I can!

There was NO response from this which I found extremely weird considering he was so eager to check out what I was doing...

2. Brett (Last name removed)
to undressjess

ur not on cams for show tonight

Jessica Cook
to Brett

Follow up message from me
no I wasn't using camz it was models plugin but I was having trouble with my internet connection.
I just got off of the phone with them and it should be working great now so I am rescheduling for tonight if there is another slot open. Check my blog for the new time!


Ok again I found this very strange as I made a blog post about this as soon as the problems popped up which is conveniently placed on the very FIRST PAGE of my members area and there is really no way a person can miss this. This was the only email that I received that night of this nature...

3. Brett (Last name removed)
to undressjess

thought show was at 10:00 cst

Jessica Cook
to Brett

Follow up message from me
That's correct did you not see my post on twitter about it?

Again I was seeing a strangeness here as my twitter publishes on the first page in my members area and I make it SUPER clear that if I cancel any shows due to me not feeling %100 that my members should follow my twitter account to see my updates to be able to keep up with what I am doing. Also again he didn't reply once I replied and it just seemed off...

4. Brett (Last name removed)
to undressjess

only have 2 spyon you cams on why?

Jessica Cook
to Brett

Follow up message from me
They turn off without me knowing so I need people to let me know:) However the foot and the deskside cams are off on purpose because I am working on something on this laptop and can't run the streams along with the heavy programs I have open. However there should be 5 open on spyonyou. I will check on those now...

Ok are you guys seeing the short rudeness he has in his writing tone? Not to mention the obvious bad English? Next though is where is starts getting SUPER CREEPY...

5. Brett (Last name removed)
to undressjess

Follow up message
I live in evansville heard wfie14 on ur spy on you I live off of broadway by Howell park do you know where that is this is funny we live near eachother im streak714

Jessica Cook
to Brett

Follow up message from me
Ha nice! I'm not a %100 sure where that is but then again I obviously don't get out all that much:)


Now as you can see I wasn't super concise in my response here and I have known he lived in Evansville this whole time and just assumed he joined because I may have left my business card at a bar he may have went to... cause I do that. He then sent another email right away and in my chat that night asked me if I had read it and insisted that I read it immediately and "TELL HIM THE TRUTH". I read the email during the show quickly and this is what it asked:

6. Brett (Last name removed)
to me

do you live in Evansville I promise not to tell anyone just like to know if we live in the same town

I replied live in chat that yes that is where I live as I do not try to hide my whereabouts. He then left chat abruptly and then I received this next email later that night:

7. Brett (Last name removed)
to me

no strings attached I would like to meet you in person just to know that I met you

Jessica Cook
to Brett

Follow up message from me
I really don't do that. I mean sometimes if I model for events or what not that's a possibility because I invite everyone to come out and see me but not really on an individual basis:(


Brett (Last name removed)
to me

k just thought Id ask seeings how were in the same city just wanted to see in person

I chose not to respond as there was really no more I had to say about that...

7. Brett (Last name removed)
to undressjess

only have 3 cams on in spy on you still like to meet you here in evansville just to see you in person

Jessica Cook
to Brett

Follow up message from me
Thanks for letting me know! I am working on getting the rude cams and bedroom cams and tub cam back on... That computer messed up on me and I had to restart it!

As you can see this is pretty much starting to become annoying as hell. And he should really get the clue that I am not going to meet him, or so I would think? But then the emails about my spy cams are getting more frequent and I really think this might give anyone the impression that they are down quite a bit but they aren't!

8. Brett (Last name removed)
to undressjess

desk side cam not on

Jessica Cook
to Brett

Follow up message from me
Right my main computer runs that cam and because I also need this laptop to run all kinds of other programs that one and the feet cam can't always be on:)


9. Brett (Last name removed)
to undressjess

only 1 cam on ur spy page is on

Jessica Cook
to Brett

Follow up message from me
Thanks! I'll get them:)

I am getting shorter in my responses because I am starting to become highly bothered by these short and rude emails. I have tons of help keeping my streaming cams on as they turn off sometimes for no reason due to the site I run them through, but I never get messages so short most people are super kind and understanding about this! The next email I get from him is just fucking gross and this is where it seems to just get WAY out of control...

10. Brett (Last name removed)
to undressjess

I chose not to reply to this but I also make it super clear in any profile online and various times in my member chats that sending me or any girl a picture of your cock on the internet is going to turn me off because it's fucking just retarded on the dude's part.

Later that night these were the final emails that were exchanged between the two of us...

11. Brett (Last name removed)
to me
still like to meet you in person

Jessica Cook
to Brett

Follow up message from me
Sorry, I'm not sure what to say to you... I really don't just meet people like that unless it's an event I am participating in. I'll let you know if anything comes up though!


Brett (Last name removed)
to me
ok ur just a tease cant face ur members face to face

Jessica Cook
to Brett

Follow up message from me
Are you serious? What do you mean I am just a tease and can't face my members? Is that what you signed up for? Me to hang out with you? NO. My website is a website and I am VERY interactive and I offer more than most sites out there. It's not in your bill to hang out with me. I am not denying you something you have paid for.


Because of this freaking me out and beginning to sound like a stalker type situation I did a little research on him with the info I had on him and gave his full name and the address that I found for him on a public website to my closest friends and family to be able to contact the authorities with that info if anything else happens.


Erica said...

maybe he has too much time on his hands. You could always block his email.

Unknown said...

Penis is gross, especially on the internet. Ew.

I agree with Erica...not so much block his email, but just not respond. Keep all emails for "evidence" in case he steps over the line from pestering nuisance to predator.

Trixie Fontaine said...

I don't mind (and sometimes like) cock shots, BUT what's really fucked up is that the guy thinks you'll meet him based on, what, the hairy root of his manhood? And is calling YOU a pussy for not wanting to meet up with him when he's too chicken-shit and/or manipulative to let you see what he looks like? He should send you a picture so you can recognize him walking around, for one thing, since he has the unfair (and scary) advantage of being able to recognize you on the street, without you having a clue that he's seen you naked, could be following you home, etc.

Lots of other thoughts, but yeah -- I hope he gets the message and lays off.

UndressJess said...

Yeah I am personally %100 against cock shots. I mean opinion cocks aren't all that pretty but what makes them hot is you know the human attached to them which is hard for me to be attracted too without knowing them personally.

This isn't maybe the norm but I make it clear that this is how I feel about them so he must have really never read not a damn thing I ever wrote him.

Mark Farinella said...

Something else on his hands, too, from all indications of that photo. What a wanker ... and I don't mean that in a praiseworthy sense.