Thursday, July 8, 2010

Are you stalking me?

  • 07:23 Even if you carefully explain yourself again and again, your m... More for Aquarius #
  • 11:22 I'm kind of hungry... But mostly in excessive pain. #
  • 13:02 Just saying... #
  • 13:05 By the way Liz, this bra is amazing. I'm lifted AND separated! #
  • 13:19 How long have you been a ballerina? — Since forever. #
  • 13:20 Are you rough or gentle on your pantyhose? — R ough. #
  • 13:20 Are you down to smoke budz? — Fuck yes I am. #
  • 13:26 Well awesome! I'm getting pains in my back and kidneys now. #
  • 21:44 I just pretty much slept the entire day away & woke up to a blood bath in my pants. Do I run hot or cold water over that to keep it from st #
  • 22:37 Can someone in town seriously run to GNC for me to pick up something for my bladder infection and deliver it back to me? #
  • 22:54 Dear Miss Lux, So you're walkin down by the river e njoyin the summer night heat when … — I don't talk to strangers. #
  • 22:54 do you think you got a nice ass? — I don't mind it. #
  • 22:55 whatis your facebook? — #
  • 23:44 There is a pretty storm going on outside. I want to go roll around in it. #
  • 23:46 I just stole the entire Deerhoof and Xiu Xiu discographies. I'm a naughty naughty pirate. #
  • < li>23:49 I've stopped believing in everything you tell me. That's a shame really. #
  • 00:37 A hundred dollars used to be more than enough. #
  • 01:26 Dear girl I knew and disliked in high school... I knew that mixed brother of yours was NOT adopted. Your mom had a fucking affair, duh. #
  • 01:59 Dude, at this point I'm getting used to the pain of my bladder rotting away and kidneys failing. That sucks. #
  • 02:44 do you sometimes fart? — Well of course! #
  • 02:45 do you have a boyfriend? — Uh huh. #
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